Posts tagged: SLOTH



Do not enter the room behind my back.

My husband is penetrating his mistress to make our inheritor. I do everything in order to maintain our aristocratic family continuity. How do I feel? The dumbest question ever. Obey what I say or you will be beheaded. 

Do not enter.



Weirdly her genital is placed in the face by nature in her bones. She is shy so that her secret must be hidden behind the holy lotus leaf.

However,we know that when the flower is in full bloom,she becomes nymphomaniac and the time for disaster approaches.


It wasn’t you. The devil made you do it. What you have to do is to soak your hand in River Styx. The water is crystal clean. As clean as his blood. You just murdered him for insurance money. You will find an innocent person to falsely accuse.


My dear, we as rich parents put a bow on you to draw attention from your ugly face.

Since you turn sweet eighteen today,we would give you 10,000 dollars so that you can undergo plastic surgery. 

My dear,it is easy. It is damn easy to solve them all. 


Such a pitiful sinner. You are born to be eaten. You are irresistibly delicious. Especially the brain. After I suck and bleed you white,I will cremate your shell and bring it home as ashes. As my memento.



That is why the public telephones were green,screamingly green,hysterically green, identically green.

I kept feeding coins into a phone. But the green box vomited all the coins I threw.

“The number you have called is no longer in service.”

Green with envy. 

photos: Taeko Kasama

texts: Eriko Makimura

Photo Reportage of DOVENSKAB/SLOTH/怠惰

Ritual Ⅰ

Torturing the dead (sick)


“Eriko Makimura’s performance last night was an absolute disaster. A disgrace for the world of classical music. She had no respect for her audience in the way she mistreated Beethoven’s masterpiece. She is a self-proclaimed professional pianist whose talent is fading. Makimura does not belong in the music industry and is not worth your time.”

– Rasmus Rasmussen –



– ラスムス・ラスムセン –

Ritual Ⅱ 
The evidence & the death sentence

Ritual Ⅲ

Delusional temporarily mental peacefulness by anti-anxiety chemicals 

Ritual Ⅳ
Intermezzo (Hypnotized in your own pink bubble)

Ritual Ⅴ
Farewell to all addiction which made her a delusional dopy saint. Face to nowness

(lighting design: Sofia Ivarsson)

(photos: Kristina Ahm)

(illustrations: Mathilde Thorup)

Enough is enough. The pianist was here and she was overthrown by an overdose of sloth. The pianist will be reincarnated next year from the womb of another deadly sin.

A sincere thanks to the William Demant / Oticon Foundation for sponsoring this years concert performance: DOVENSKAB/SLOTH/怠惰.

Want to receive news about the coming deadly sins, and surprises in between now and november 2020? Join our mailing list here:

Concert Performance DOVENSKAB/SLOTH/怠惰

(English Text by Sofia Ivarsson 🙏)

The third week of November is almost here. Isn’t that the best time of the year to indulge in endless laziness? At least- that must be a perfect reason to drag your most lazy selves out to see Eriko Makimura & Co perform, perceive and pursue the deadly sin we named SLOTH.

The fundamental question is whether laziness still serves a purpose as a deadly sin, or if it rather has become a survival mechanism, that we all desperately need in order to go on living.

The pianist is a sad case, since giving in to laziness would mean the end of her career. So we wonder, could we create a new world order, where SLOTH no longer equals death, where even the world famous pianist from Japan could enjoy a few moments of laziness without guilt?

Come and see by yourselves!

Get your tickets here:


Concert Performance Series “Seven Deadly Sins” Vol.6 SLOTH


【Concert Performance Series “Seven Deadly Sins「七つの大罪」” Vol.6 SLOTH/怠惰編


Eriko Makimura is too lazy to serve rice in a bowl so that she directly eats it from a rice cooker… Eriko Makimura & Co. has already started preparing for concert performance series “Seven Deadly Sins” Vol.6 SLOTH!

上の写真は、良家に嫁いだ (少々トウのたった) 新妻風のエリコが、ご飯をお茶碗によそうのも面倒で炊飯器から直接食べるという、怠惰極まりない1枚。 怠惰編でも大暴れします。



コンサートパフォーマンスシリーズ「七つの大罪」Vol.6 怠惰編は、2017年7月12日(水) 19:00より、兵庫県立芸術文化センター、神戸女学院小ホールにて開催されます。

Vol.1 「憤怒編」Vol.2 「欲望編 」Vol.3「嫉妬編」Vol.4「高慢編」Vol.5 「強欲編」を経て、罪もまた1つ重ねて、シリーズ第6回目となる「怠惰編」を迎える運びとなりました。

怠惰を象徴する生き物は「熊」。地位・富・名誉の全てを兼ね備えた夫を手に入れたはずの新妻エリコなのに、「… 何かが違うのよね…」と、早くも結婚生活に倦(う)み始め、怠惰の化身である熊に脳から額を侵されていく様子を1枚のイメージに収めたものがポスターとなっています。

「怠惰」である事とは例えて言うなら、日々の生活への倦怠、お役所的仕事(ルールにひたすら身を低くして従うのみで、クリエイティビティゼロ)、向上心硬直状態、反吐が出そうなほど馬鹿馬鹿しいマニュアルを繰り返す行為、有言不実行、理想の瓦解をそのまま放置… 等々、数え上げればキリがありません。これらの要素を全て凝縮して、パフォーマンスに組み込む所存です。怠惰の間逆である、発狂寸前の「超勤勉」に挑戦すべく、或るプロジェクトも同時進行していますので、今まで以上に異色のprogramとなりそうです。



Eriko Makimura & Co.

Photo and Graphic: Taeko Kasama

2017年7月12日(水) 19:00 開演 (18:30開場)

兵庫県立芸術文化センター 神戸女学院小ホール


一般: 4,000円 (当日4,500円)

学生: 3,000円 (当日3,500円)




tel: 080-3862-4400 (Eriko Makimura & Co.)





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