【Concert Performance “ERIKO– A Woman Who Can’t Say No” in Stockholm】

In Stockholm, “ERIKO- A Woman Who Can’t Say No” becomes a woman who can say NO to everyone but herself. Now she is a woman who can’t say no to her inner force. 

Thank you very much for fantastic arrangements, huge supports and super generous hospitality, Li Franzén, Kulturföreningen Lempi, Rikard Borggård and my BFF Frederic Piccoli & John Elliot.

Interview with Dagens Nysheter: https://www.dn.se/kultur/pianisten-eriko-makimura-spelar-i-stockholm-scenen-ar-mitt-shangri-

photos: Anna Drvnik

【Concert Performance Series “Seven Deadly Sins” GREED/GRÅDIGHED】at Koncertkirken

Pure innocence is touching as it is simply beautiful. Yet, innocence might be toxic. And it could easily be misused and manipulated by people around us, or even by ourselves. 

This year, we will present our annual November Concert Performance Series “Seven Deadly Sins” at KoncertKirken, featuring GREED/GRÅDIGHED through the teenage girl’s eyes. Experience how the deceiving clichés of teenagehood and the will to do good turns a (seemingly) innocent girl vulgarly rich.

photos: Rita Christina Biza @ritablue_



Adults 170 kr. / Students 100 kr.



18 (Thu.) 19 (Fri.) and 20 (Sat.) in November, 2021 

(starts: 20:00 doors: 19:30) 


KoncertKirken Blågårds Plads 6A, 2200 Copenhagen N Denmark


ca. 80 minutes, no intermission.


✳︎ musical program to be announced


Director & Performer: Eriko Makimura

Lighting Design: Sofia Ivarsson 

Visuals: Mathilde Larsen 

【DIES IRAE】Photo Documentation

“DIES IRAE” at theater Sort/Hvid: https://www.sort-hvid.dk/projekt/dies-irae/?fbclid=IwAR1zyWZi7U78FRD8c9JpmUU5z2ZI33KRrCZrFpXIxWNI3o8m5ge-zwbCHFs

photos: Martin Høyer

【DIES IRAE】at Teater Sort/Hvid

【Hardcore yet Cathartic Music Performance “DIES IRAE”】

7-8-9 October, 2021

Teater Sort/Hvid (Staldgade 26-30, 1699 København V

F. Liszt: Paraphrase on “Dies Irae”
W. A. Mozart-ish: Twisted Turkish March 
P. Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker 
J. S. Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
E.Makimura: Variations on a Theme of “Dies Irae”
and others 


10月7, 8, 9日にコペンハーゲンで音楽パフォーマンス「Dies Irae」が予定されています。ピアニストとしての能力を物理的に奪われながらもピアノへ救済を求める演出。そのため、この公演が劇場に採択されてから日々肉体を鍛えています。ふたりの演出家とタッグを組んでのパフォーマンス、どうぞお楽しみください。

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